With summer just around the corner we all go in to panic mode as the thought of displaying more skin occurs to us, tuck shop arms, muffin tops and saggy butt cheeks suddenly inspire us back into get fit mode. To encourage your new found motivation a new exercise outfit always works wonders, and we've found bargains that won't break the bank. Unfortunately it seems that we have run out of excuses!
1. Zumbawear Breakout Mesh Hoodie Vest
USA price $29.95 v's Aust price $44.95
2. Nike Women's Long Y-Back Airborne Singlet
USA price $34.88 v's Aust price $50.00
3. Reebok Easy Tone Capri Pants
USA price $60.00 v's Aust price $85.00
4. Nike Lunar Glide +3 Women's Running Shoe
USA price $99.95 v's Aust price $199.95
Total Outfit cost:
USA price $224.78 v's Aust price $379.90
What gorgeous outfits in fabulous colours. Now all you need is to get them on and get moving so that you can look and feel fabulous forever.
I know, the shopping is the easy part!!!